Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year!

I was asked yesterday, "if you could do anything and know you wouldn't fail...what would you do?" I cant stop thinking about it. I have come up with a lot of things I would do. Most extravagant, child-like answers such as having my own talk show or creating my own clothing line..who knows, a girl can dream!
The more I thought about it though, I didn't want to have an answer for the question. I want to be able to look back and not have one thing I didn't do because I thought I would fail. When we try new things or challenge ourselves with something totally outside the box- it might be hard, it might not turn out the way we had hoped..but that's not failing. Our biggest failure is when we sit back and watch life happen around us, wondering where the time has gone, and doing the same ol' same ol' day in and day out..and allow fear to hold us back from even trying. Wouldn't it be great if instead of thinking, "what if I am bad at that" or "that's just not me", we thought "what if I try this and end up being great!" That's how I want to be thinking.
SO...we have come to the end of another year. As you look back, did you have an extraordinary year full of exciting new things, new friends, new goals, etc? Or are you looking back and feeling like it has been kind of a blah year. Whatever 2012 had for you, here is my challenge as we enter into 2013! Let's make this a year to remember. Think about all the things you've wanted to do but haven't because you have been scared, intimidated, under estimating your abilities, etc...Write them down, tell someone, and make them happen! Maybe it's a career goal, maybe you want to get in the best shape of your life, maybe you want you and your family to make complete healthy lifestyle changes. Or maybe you want to take up a hobby..learn to sew, enter a golf tournament, learn to dance, take ZUMBA! Decide before Jan.1st that this year will be different. This year you will live life with purpose, passion and excitement!
 If you are pumped and ready to go, but don't know what to get started on..or maybe you just know you need accountability..please get involved at Inspired Fitness! It is a place filled with encouraging, motivating, and real people who desire to be their best as well.
Thank you SO much for you who make the Studio what it is. I can honestly say I have done many things this year that I never thought I would. I am the last person who would ever think she would have her own business. This girl who used to be terrified to stand and speak in front of a group kicked fear in the booty and now leads in front of classes every day. I am so excited to live this next year right along side of you-let's make it a year that we will be able to look back on and say I did everything I wanted to do!



Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mourning to Dancing

Isn't it fun to watch kids dance?! They dont care who's watching or what they look like...they hear music and just begin to move! They are silly and joyful...Psalms 30 says mourning can be turned into dancing. This past week we saw a horrific tragedy that took the lives of innocent people, most under the age of 7 years old. It has caused a sense of sadness and fear across the nation, but this week we have also seen society come together to support, pray for and love in big ways. And we've all heard about the heros that gave their lives to protect children. We've been reminded that evil is alive and real, but even at its greatest attempts it still hasn't gotten the best of us. Of course we still mourn in our hearts along with the rest of the country, but today for the kids..we danced!
We filled Inspired Fitness and danced for an hour and a half raising money to donate to the Newtown Memorial Fund. Everyone was encouraged to let go of insecurities and to just a kid! We had an amazing time and we were blown away at the generosity that people showed, especially being right before Christmas and money is sometimes tight anyway. Young, "old", men, women, new to Zumba, Zumba professionals...all came out to support the families to Sandy Hook. Thank you so much to everyone who spent their Saturday morning with us.
Please continue to pray for the families in Newtown, and be extra grateful for your family this holiday season

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

No Calorie Holiday Treat!

Back Treatments! Now at Inspired Fitness Studio
Maybe you have a holiday party coming up and you want to be a bronzed beauty in that low cut back or strapless dress! Maybe you are looking for a relaxing gift to give your mom, sister, friend..back treatments are even great for men!
This treatment includes a purifying scrub and steam, back massage,
 nourishing mask and is finished with moisturizer.
60 minute treatment for $55
Add shimmering bronzer for just $5
Contact Jenna to schedule your appointment

Green Drink!

Energizing, cleansing, refreshing....Yes, it's green but it is delish and so good for you! Great way to fight off those cold germs going around:
1 cup purified water
1 cup frozen kale
1/2-1 cup frozen pineapple
juice of 1/2 lemon
Blend in a high speed blender (I use my nutribullet!) and blend until smooth and frothy!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Giving Thanks!

Feeling very festive today as I wait for the pumpkin bread to finish baking in the oven. I find myself thinking about the many things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving season. This week Inspired Fitness has been giving thanks for the things that are important to them. (Wish I could take the credit- I stole the clever idea from my good friends at Lululemon)
I had many people ask how they could fit all the things they are thankful for on one small white board. My answer was, "Well just pick one thing you're thankful for right now.." The more I think about it, the more I really love Amy's answer...Life. Yep, that's how we can sum it all up! Life does have it's ups and downs. Sometimes life is just flat out hard. But there is so much in life to be so thankful for, so many things we dont deserve and yet blessed to have them anyway. 

Today, right now, I am thankful for getting to do what I love every day and thankful for the people that fill my heart with joy when they walk into the studio! I am so thankful for my "babies" (dogs) Abby and Leo, and my "kids" in PE! I am thankful for my hard working husband, family and friends who might as well be family! I am thankful that I have the ability to dance! I am thankful for Life.
Take some time to think about what you are thankful for right now...and live today being truly thankful for the life that you have!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Stay Inspired This Holiday Season!

Healthy Holidays!!
The holidays are upon the next few weeks you may be invited to holiday parties, gathering with family as you pass the pumpkin pie, or maybe you just cant help yourself when you pass by the cookie tray at work. With all the fantastic festivities that come along with the holiday can also be disastrous to your healthy eating efforts. Here are some tips to keep you on track but still allow you to enjoy...happy, healthy holidays!!
-Stay out of your kids Halloween candy! There is nothing there that you need, I'm telling you...not even one of those bite sized candies is worth it! It usually leads to "just one more..."
-Research and experiment with your favorite holiday foods! There are so many ways to tweak recipes to make a healthier version of all your favorites! Pick up a healthy holiday cook book to make it easy
-Stay consistent with your workouts! Don't let yourself get into the cycle of eating junk, then not feeling great, then not having energy to workout, then you eat junk because you don't feel good....and so on, and so on... Encourage each other and stay motivated!
-If you know you are going to a holiday party, don't starve yourself all day to "save calories" for your party later. You will be super hungry and may end up overeating and not making smart choices. Eat regularly through out the day; lots of fresh fruits and veggies and lean protein to help keep you full. Then be smart about what you take in at the party! Enjoy your favorite foods by having a few bites of each and then moving on. As always-drink water!
Healthy Holidays Recipe Contest!
Submit a healthy holiday recipe to Inspire others and for a chance to win the recipe contest! Winner of the contest will be announced at the Inspired Fitness Holiday Party! Post your recipe on the blog or bring to the studio!
Recipes must be submitted by December 1st
(Prize and holiday party date TBA)


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Red Carpet of Yoga Mats?...Yep.

My lovely friends at Lululemon have been telling me for quite a while now that I need to try out "The Mat". I happen to have a very cute yoga mat that I picked up at Marshals that I have been using for years, gets the job done for every class...I thought. This weekend I finally had the opportunity to give the Lulu mat a go, and all through out class I thought to myself..."shoot! This is awesome!" My little Marshals mat will have to step aside, my feet will thank me for the cushioned support and my workouts..whether it be Yoga, Barre, PiYo..will be that much more efficient since I did not slip or slide around on that thing at all. Love! If you haven't tried out the mat, stop in and see my buddies at Lululemon and tell them I told you to check it out!
The Mat

Monday, October 29, 2012

Apple Season!

This weekend I took a trip up to Oak Glen, CA to go apple picking! I love this time of year...even though it's still warm, there is just something in the air that feels like fall.
After searching for the most perfectly shaped, delicious looking apples we could find...I went to my trusty cook books to find some fall inspired apple recipes. I narrowed it down, and wanted to share one with you- Homemade Applesauce!
Unlike many applesauce recipes..this has no added sugar so you can feel good about spooning it over waffles, vanilla frozen yogurt, pork, chicken..or just eating it as is!
-10 apples peeled, cored, and chopped-
 we picked Rome Beauties, you can use any good baking apple
-1 large strip of lemon peel
-1/2 Tbsp pumpkin pie spice
-1 cinnamon stick
1/4 cup water
(optional...I always add because I love it a little sweeter) -Squirt of honey or maple syrup
Add all ingredients in a large Crock Pot and let cook on low setting for about 6 hours.
You can leave it like this if you like applesauce a little chunky, or you can mash for a thinner consistency. Yum!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Inspired Fitness is Turning One!!

You are Invited!

Come hang out with us as we celebrate
Inspired Fitness's 1st Birthday!
Friday, November 2nd at 6pm
Enjoy food, friends, discounts, giveaways, and class demos!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Paint El Paseo Pink

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
 This past weekend Inspired Fitness formed a Team to walk in the Paint El Paseo Pink Walk to support the Desert Cancer Foundation. It was a fantastic day and the Team raised over $1500 to donate to the Foundation!! (Awesome job team!) We had so much fun together in the sea of pink that filled El Paseo.
What a blessing it was to walk along with our Patty- a Breast Cancer Survivor
And to be able to walk in honor of Pam- currently fighting cancer
 To refuel, we headed over to Luscious Lorraines for a delicious lunch and wheatgrass shots!
If you supported Team Inspired Fitness- we thank you so much for your donations!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Work Up a Sweat-and Look Good Doing It!

Jenna's favorite headbands are now available at Inspired Fitness! We now carry UrbanHalo Headbands in a variety of different colors and styles. These are the BEST for absorbing sweat during a Zumba class or pulling back your bangs during yoga. You have probably seen Jenna sporting one of her many UrbanHalo Headbands! Get in to the studio and get yours!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pumpkin Pie in a Blender!

Fall is in the air ...well, not really if you live in the Coachella Valley! But you can start your day feeling like it's a festive Autumn morning with this Pumpkin Pie Smoothie! This might just be my go-to breakfast for the rest of the season! It's protein packed, has healthy carbs for energy and antioxidants from the pumpkin and spices.

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
-8 ounces unsweetened soy, almond or coconut milk
-1/2 banana
-1 Tbsp almond butter
-2 Tbsp pumpkin puree (*not pumpkin pie filling)
-1 serving vanilla protein powder
-1-2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
-1/4 cup rolled oats
-a little honey (optional)
-cup of ice
Blend until smooth- Enjoy your pumpkin pie from a blender!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Meet Amy Williams
Living her life-Inspired!
-What brought you to Inspired Fitness? I was taking classes with Jenna at a gym-she said she was opening a Fitness Studio and I knew I just had to be there!

 -What is your motivation to keep coming back to classes? Definitely the way I feel! And knowing that we are all doing it together helps.

 -What is your favorite class? Zumba, Yoga, Barre…cant pick just one!!  Amy is a class regular! You will find her in just about every evening class!

 -What are your personal health/wellness goals? To be the healthiest I can be and to take good care of myself.

 -What would you say is your best feature? My smile J  We would have to agree!

 -What would you say to Inspire someone who is feeling discouraged?  That you are worth it!

 -What is your favorite go-to healthy snack? Sliced apple with peanut butter and granola  Yum!

 -What is one fun fact that people don’t know about you?  I love to scrapbook
We are so thankful to have Amy a part of the Inspired Family!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Craving Chocolate

This post is for the ladies! As a long and draining week came to an end I found myself in a state of emotional distress and in need of some chocolate...anyone know what I'm saying?! However...Inspired Fitness is in the middle of an 8 week Fitness/Lifestyle Challenge...and I knew I should be a good example and make a smart choice. What to do?? Problem solved, I made myself a delicious and healthy peanut butter banana chocolate shake! Got my chocolate fix without feeling horrible afterward. Give it a try next time you a healthy treat!
8 ounces unsweetened almond, soy, or nonfat milk
1 serving vanilla or chocolate protein powder (choc. will give you a richer taste!)
1/2 banana
1 Tbsp natural peanut butter
1-2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder (depending on flavor of pro powder used)
1 tsp vanilla extract
dash of cinnamon (optional)
cup of ice
Blend until smooth and enjoy your chocolaty goodness without the guilt!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Go bananas!

Need a nutritious snack that's easy and will fill you up?! Go for a banana! They provide energy and can help boost metabolism. Try putting half a banana in your morning or afternoon smoothies, or top a piece of toast with natural peanut butter and banana slices to get your day started well! Here are some other tasty ways to use bananas:
Banana Ice Cream- Peel, slice and freeze 1 small banana. Place frozen banana in a blender with 3 Tbsp nonfat milk or unsweetened almond, coconut or soy milk, and a dash of cinnamon. Top with 1 Tbsp chopped walnuts
Coffee and Banana Smoothie- Place in a blender 1 banana, 1 cup non fat milk or unsweetened milk substitute, 1/2 cup cold black coffee, 1 Tbsp honey and 1/2 cup ice-blend until smooth
Banana Muffins-
1 cup flour
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp salt
1 cup mashed bananas
1/4 sugar
1 large egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup applesauce
In medium bowl combine flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt together.
In separate bowl, combine banana, sugar, egg and vanilla extract. Blend until well mixed. Add applesauce. Slowly combine dry mixture to banana mixture. Blend well.
Scoop batter into prepared muffin cups. Bake 15-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Let cool before serving.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Honey Almond Oatmeal Energy Cookies!!

Yum! I was feeling like something sweet and slightly crunchy, yet healthy and I gathered together my favorite recipes and combined some of the best ingredients to see how these cookies would turn out. Delish...and the ingredients are actually what would make up a healthy granola bar, so you can feel good about snacking on these cookies!

1/3 cup organic coconut oil, soft or even melted
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup honey
1/3 cup almond butter
3 Tbsp soy or almond milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
pinch of salt
2 cups old fashioned rolled oats

-Preheat oven to 350 degrees
-In a large bowl mix together coconut oil, brown sugar and honey with electric mixer. Add milk and vanilla and mix on low speed, then mix in almond butter
-In seperate bowl, stir flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. Add to wet ingredients and stir together until well combined.
-Mix in oats
-I like big cookies, so I get a big ball of dough and roll into a ball, place on cookie sheet and lightly press down on top to flatten the cookie. Continue with the rest of the dough.
-Bake about 13 minutes, until golden brown. Remove from oven and let cool for a minute, then move cookies to cooling rack.
Cookies may get a little crunchy as they cool, if you want them a little chewier take them out of the oven a little earlier.

Have with some greek yogurt and berries for a great energizing snack or a healthy dessert after dinner! Enjoy

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jenna's Energy Boosting Protein Shake!

I have this smoothie almost every day! It is so cold and refreshing..perfect on a hot summer day, and packed in protein and nutrition! Try it for breakfast or as a pre-workout energizer! Here is the recipe:
-8 oz unsweetened almond milk
-1/2 a banana
-1 Tbsp almond butter
-1 scoop of your favorite vanilla protein powder(low in sugar!)
-1/2 cup unsweetened frozen mixed berries
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-dash of cinnamon, optional
-ice cubes
Put it all into your blender and mix well until smooth. Pour into a tall glass and top with a little natural low fat granola for some crunch and healthy carbs to keep your body fueled! Pop in a straw and enjoy. SO good, it's my fav!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Favorite Things!

My Favorite Workout Buddy!
     * The stability ball*
If you have been to Body Sculpt at the studio, there is a good chance that you have used one of these in your workouts! There is SO much you can do with this piece of workout equipment! Next time you are in class...don't hesitate to ask if we can do your favorite exercises with a  stability ball! If you have one at home, here are a few exercises you can try out..otherwise we will be doing these in the studio very soon!

Arms- Roll yourself on top of the ball so you end up in a push up position. The more you walk your hands out the harder you will work! You are also using your core to keep you balanced on the ball. Now bend at your elbows and do push-ups, as many as you can!
Legs- Place the ball between the wall and right above your waist. Walk your feet out so when you bend your knees they don't go past your feet, and keep the feet a little wider the hip width apart. Now roll your hips down to a squat, and come back up. 3 sets of 10!
Abs- Lay down on your back and grab hold of the ball by wrapping your legs around it. Keeping your knees bent, lift the ball up so you crunch your lower abdominal, maybe even lifting your hips up off the floor if you can. 3 sets of 15!
Stretch- Lay your back down on to the ball, drop your arms down to the sides and extend your legs out to your front. Relax here for a while, it should feel really good!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Summer Inspiration!

Nettie Brown
Keeping us Motivated & Inspired!

What is your motivation to keep coming back to the classes?
     The accountability, Incredible workouts and the Amazing ladies!!! I love my Inspired Fitness Family!

What is your favorite class?
     I love Zumba!!  But body sculpt and Turbokick are the most challenging for me.

What are your personal health/wellness goals?
     To be the healthiest I can be physically, mentally and spiritually and to be an encouragement to others. :0)

What do you think is your best feature?
     My "goofball" personality. I love to have fun and encourage others.

What would you say to someone feeling discouraged in their attempt to live a healthier lifestyle?
     Gosh.....I've been that person! Find a workout that you love....set your mind to it...challenge yourself and Never Give up!  Inspired Fitness has truly changed my life! I am forever grateful.

We Love You Nettie!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Next week is the 4th of July holiday...hope you have some summer time fun in store for you and your family! As you know, the studio will be closed for the week...but that's no excuse to take the week off from being active! Find fun, creative ways to keep moving! Maybe swim laps in the pool or have a hula hoop contest with the kids...take a bike ride in the evening or run through the sprinklers at the holiday picnic :)
There are a million different websites that you can find healthy recipes for 4th of july goodies...maybe look into that and try something new! Homemade popsicles are amazing in the summer.
Whatever you do this week, I hope you enjoy time with friends and family..and also have some time to relax and enjoy life.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Product of the Week!

Another one of my favorite things! Literally dont go a day with out this drink! I LOVE Vitamin Water Zero. Every morning on my way to the studio I swing by the grocery store or gas station and grab the Rise orange flavored water, it's almost like having a big glass or orange juice with all those wonderful vitamins and antioxidants...but without the sugar and extra calories. There are so many different sports drinks and flavored waters out can almost be overwhelming! What I love about Vitamin Water Zero is that it has NO sodium and NO is naturally sweetened with the zero cal sweetener, stevia.
Told you...I really do love my vitamin water!
Now that is is so hot out, it is even more important to stay hydrated! There are so many different flavors which makes it easy to keep up your water intake! Stop by the drink section at the store and pick up your favorite flavor!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Do you like Pina Coladas?!

One of my Favorite Things!
Last week I let you know all about my favorite place for great skin care! This week I wanted to share with you my favorite summertime smoothie! It's my healthy version of a pina colada! Nothing better on a hot summer day, so refreshing and jam packed with protein and nutrients! Sip on this delicious smoothie out by the pool or enjoy it after a cardiokick workout! Here's how it goes....
Place these ingredients in a blender:

8 ounces of coconut water
1/3 banana
1 tsp coconut virgin coconut oil
1 cup frozen pineapple
spoonful of honey or agave syrup
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
For a colder, thicker smoothie drop in a few ice cubes

Thursday, June 14, 2012

                           Get the Kids Moving!                          

This Monday at 5pm we are beginning a fitness class just for kids! We've got everything to keep them active and inspired with things like kids Zumba, hula hoops and bouncy balls...even fun fitness games like "walk like an animal" and "hot potato"!
It gets so hot here in the summer and often kids don't always have a way to burn off all that energy young ones tend to have. This is a great way to keep them moving, make some friends, build confidence and begin teaching them the importance of physical fitness and proper nutrition. Obesity is as high as it's ever been among children so it is our responsibility to encourage a healthy lifestyle starting at a young age to help them as they continue to grow. Parents, you are even welcome to join in on the fun and take part in the classes with your kids! We are really excited about this new class and cant wait for Monday! See you and the little ones then!
For more info email Jenna at

Monday, June 11, 2012

My Favorite Things

Pick of the Week:
Ladies, don't we love sharing helpful tips and "good to know" info with each other?! I am always looking to find my new favorite things...whether it be a favorite food, place to shop, health and wellness goodies, etc! I'll be honest, I do a lot of research! So I decided it would be fun to share with you my favorite things so that you can explore and try things out for yourself! A new "favorite" will be posted each week. If you have any great favorites, be sure to let me know!

 After much pondering over what to feature first, I had to start this week off by sharing my FAVORITE place for skin care, The Body Deli.

 Not only is it important to stay healthy through proper nutrition and physical activity, we should also be taking care of the health of our skin! Make sure you are cleansing, exfoliating often, moisturizing and protecting your skin. I love the Body Deli skin care! They say their products are "fresh food for the skin", and it is exactly that! Every product is organic, fresh and natural so you are flooding your skin with vitamins and antioxidants with ingredients like aloe vera, wheatgrass, flaxseed oil and virgin coconut butter. It's hard to narrow it down...but I think my favorite Body Deli picks are the Egyptian Date Sugar Scrub and the Firming Flax Eye Cream!

Friday, June 8, 2012

It's Friday! End the week with some fitness fun!
You asked for it, now it's here....More ZUMBA! Join us in the studio Friday nights at 5:30pm for 30 minutes or Zumba, 15 minutes of toning and core strengthening, and a whole lotta fun! Whether you need to unwind after a long work week or just want something fun to do, Fit Friday is sure do the trick! Just $5 a class (included if you have the month membership!) Meet up with some girl friends and make a night of it! Get in your cardio then head out to happy hour!! Fit Friday kicks off June 8th...see you there!  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June Inspiration!

Check out our girl about some Inspiration! She has been dedicated and determined since day one at Inspired Fitness after deciding to make some changes in her life...and she has become a new woman! Candice is our June's why-

-What is your motivation to keep coming back to the classes?
 All the gals and the friendly and fun atmosphere
-What is your favorite class?
It's hard to choose! I love all the classes, but I would have to say Zumba!
-What are your personal health/wellness goals?
My main goal is to have more energy since I have low thyroid. Second is to lose weight.
(Candice and her husband have been on a journey together to get healthier..Love that!)
-What do you think is your best feature?
Other than my hips! :) My smile.
(We totally agree! Her smile is contagious and her hips can really move!)
-What would you say to someone feeling discouraged in their attempt to live a healthier lifestyle?
The best thing I was told when I first started was "the hardest thing isn't starting, it's going back". All you can do is take it one day at a time.