Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year!

I was asked yesterday, "if you could do anything and know you wouldn't fail...what would you do?" I cant stop thinking about it. I have come up with a lot of things I would do. Most extravagant, child-like answers such as having my own talk show or creating my own clothing line..who knows, a girl can dream!
The more I thought about it though, I didn't want to have an answer for the question. I want to be able to look back and not have one thing I didn't do because I thought I would fail. When we try new things or challenge ourselves with something totally outside the box- it might be hard, it might not turn out the way we had hoped..but that's not failing. Our biggest failure is when we sit back and watch life happen around us, wondering where the time has gone, and doing the same ol' same ol' day in and day out..and allow fear to hold us back from even trying. Wouldn't it be great if instead of thinking, "what if I am bad at that" or "that's just not me", we thought "what if I try this and end up being great!" That's how I want to be thinking.
SO...we have come to the end of another year. As you look back, did you have an extraordinary year full of exciting new things, new friends, new goals, etc? Or are you looking back and feeling like it has been kind of a blah year. Whatever 2012 had for you, here is my challenge as we enter into 2013! Let's make this a year to remember. Think about all the things you've wanted to do but haven't because you have been scared, intimidated, under estimating your abilities, etc...Write them down, tell someone, and make them happen! Maybe it's a career goal, maybe you want to get in the best shape of your life, maybe you want you and your family to make complete healthy lifestyle changes. Or maybe you want to take up a hobby..learn to sew, enter a golf tournament, learn to dance, take ZUMBA! Decide before Jan.1st that this year will be different. This year you will live life with purpose, passion and excitement!
 If you are pumped and ready to go, but don't know what to get started on..or maybe you just know you need accountability..please get involved at Inspired Fitness! It is a place filled with encouraging, motivating, and real people who desire to be their best as well.
Thank you SO much for you who make the Studio what it is. I can honestly say I have done many things this year that I never thought I would. I am the last person who would ever think she would have her own business. This girl who used to be terrified to stand and speak in front of a group kicked fear in the booty and now leads in front of classes every day. I am so excited to live this next year right along side of you-let's make it a year that we will be able to look back on and say I did everything I wanted to do!



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