Thursday, June 14, 2012

                           Get the Kids Moving!                          

This Monday at 5pm we are beginning a fitness class just for kids! We've got everything to keep them active and inspired with things like kids Zumba, hula hoops and bouncy balls...even fun fitness games like "walk like an animal" and "hot potato"!
It gets so hot here in the summer and often kids don't always have a way to burn off all that energy young ones tend to have. This is a great way to keep them moving, make some friends, build confidence and begin teaching them the importance of physical fitness and proper nutrition. Obesity is as high as it's ever been among children so it is our responsibility to encourage a healthy lifestyle starting at a young age to help them as they continue to grow. Parents, you are even welcome to join in on the fun and take part in the classes with your kids! We are really excited about this new class and cant wait for Monday! See you and the little ones then!
For more info email Jenna at

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