Thursday, September 27, 2012

Meet Amy Williams
Living her life-Inspired!
-What brought you to Inspired Fitness? I was taking classes with Jenna at a gym-she said she was opening a Fitness Studio and I knew I just had to be there!

 -What is your motivation to keep coming back to classes? Definitely the way I feel! And knowing that we are all doing it together helps.

 -What is your favorite class? Zumba, Yoga, Barre…cant pick just one!!  Amy is a class regular! You will find her in just about every evening class!

 -What are your personal health/wellness goals? To be the healthiest I can be and to take good care of myself.

 -What would you say is your best feature? My smile J  We would have to agree!

 -What would you say to Inspire someone who is feeling discouraged?  That you are worth it!

 -What is your favorite go-to healthy snack? Sliced apple with peanut butter and granola  Yum!

 -What is one fun fact that people don’t know about you?  I love to scrapbook
We are so thankful to have Amy a part of the Inspired Family!

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