Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June Inspiration!

Check out our girl Candice...talk about some Inspiration! She has been dedicated and determined since day one at Inspired Fitness after deciding to make some changes in her life...and she has become a new woman! Candice is our June Inspiration...here's why-

-What is your motivation to keep coming back to the classes?
 All the gals and the friendly and fun atmosphere
-What is your favorite class?
It's hard to choose! I love all the classes, but I would have to say Zumba!
-What are your personal health/wellness goals?
My main goal is to have more energy since I have low thyroid. Second is to lose weight.
(Candice and her husband have been on a journey together to get healthier..Love that!)
-What do you think is your best feature?
Other than my hips! :) My smile.
(We totally agree! Her smile is contagious and her hips can really move!)
-What would you say to someone feeling discouraged in their attempt to live a healthier lifestyle?
The best thing I was told when I first started was "the hardest thing isn't starting, it's going back". All you can do is take it one day at a time.

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