Friday, June 29, 2012

Next week is the 4th of July holiday...hope you have some summer time fun in store for you and your family! As you know, the studio will be closed for the week...but that's no excuse to take the week off from being active! Find fun, creative ways to keep moving! Maybe swim laps in the pool or have a hula hoop contest with the kids...take a bike ride in the evening or run through the sprinklers at the holiday picnic :)
There are a million different websites that you can find healthy recipes for 4th of july goodies...maybe look into that and try something new! Homemade popsicles are amazing in the summer.
Whatever you do this week, I hope you enjoy time with friends and family..and also have some time to relax and enjoy life.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Product of the Week!

Another one of my favorite things! Literally dont go a day with out this drink! I LOVE Vitamin Water Zero. Every morning on my way to the studio I swing by the grocery store or gas station and grab the Rise orange flavored water, it's almost like having a big glass or orange juice with all those wonderful vitamins and antioxidants...but without the sugar and extra calories. There are so many different sports drinks and flavored waters out can almost be overwhelming! What I love about Vitamin Water Zero is that it has NO sodium and NO is naturally sweetened with the zero cal sweetener, stevia.
Told you...I really do love my vitamin water!
Now that is is so hot out, it is even more important to stay hydrated! There are so many different flavors which makes it easy to keep up your water intake! Stop by the drink section at the store and pick up your favorite flavor!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Do you like Pina Coladas?!

One of my Favorite Things!
Last week I let you know all about my favorite place for great skin care! This week I wanted to share with you my favorite summertime smoothie! It's my healthy version of a pina colada! Nothing better on a hot summer day, so refreshing and jam packed with protein and nutrients! Sip on this delicious smoothie out by the pool or enjoy it after a cardiokick workout! Here's how it goes....
Place these ingredients in a blender:

8 ounces of coconut water
1/3 banana
1 tsp coconut virgin coconut oil
1 cup frozen pineapple
spoonful of honey or agave syrup
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
For a colder, thicker smoothie drop in a few ice cubes

Thursday, June 14, 2012

                           Get the Kids Moving!                          

This Monday at 5pm we are beginning a fitness class just for kids! We've got everything to keep them active and inspired with things like kids Zumba, hula hoops and bouncy balls...even fun fitness games like "walk like an animal" and "hot potato"!
It gets so hot here in the summer and often kids don't always have a way to burn off all that energy young ones tend to have. This is a great way to keep them moving, make some friends, build confidence and begin teaching them the importance of physical fitness and proper nutrition. Obesity is as high as it's ever been among children so it is our responsibility to encourage a healthy lifestyle starting at a young age to help them as they continue to grow. Parents, you are even welcome to join in on the fun and take part in the classes with your kids! We are really excited about this new class and cant wait for Monday! See you and the little ones then!
For more info email Jenna at

Monday, June 11, 2012

My Favorite Things

Pick of the Week:
Ladies, don't we love sharing helpful tips and "good to know" info with each other?! I am always looking to find my new favorite things...whether it be a favorite food, place to shop, health and wellness goodies, etc! I'll be honest, I do a lot of research! So I decided it would be fun to share with you my favorite things so that you can explore and try things out for yourself! A new "favorite" will be posted each week. If you have any great favorites, be sure to let me know!

 After much pondering over what to feature first, I had to start this week off by sharing my FAVORITE place for skin care, The Body Deli.

 Not only is it important to stay healthy through proper nutrition and physical activity, we should also be taking care of the health of our skin! Make sure you are cleansing, exfoliating often, moisturizing and protecting your skin. I love the Body Deli skin care! They say their products are "fresh food for the skin", and it is exactly that! Every product is organic, fresh and natural so you are flooding your skin with vitamins and antioxidants with ingredients like aloe vera, wheatgrass, flaxseed oil and virgin coconut butter. It's hard to narrow it down...but I think my favorite Body Deli picks are the Egyptian Date Sugar Scrub and the Firming Flax Eye Cream!

Friday, June 8, 2012

It's Friday! End the week with some fitness fun!
You asked for it, now it's here....More ZUMBA! Join us in the studio Friday nights at 5:30pm for 30 minutes or Zumba, 15 minutes of toning and core strengthening, and a whole lotta fun! Whether you need to unwind after a long work week or just want something fun to do, Fit Friday is sure do the trick! Just $5 a class (included if you have the month membership!) Meet up with some girl friends and make a night of it! Get in your cardio then head out to happy hour!! Fit Friday kicks off June 8th...see you there!  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June Inspiration!

Check out our girl about some Inspiration! She has been dedicated and determined since day one at Inspired Fitness after deciding to make some changes in her life...and she has become a new woman! Candice is our June's why-

-What is your motivation to keep coming back to the classes?
 All the gals and the friendly and fun atmosphere
-What is your favorite class?
It's hard to choose! I love all the classes, but I would have to say Zumba!
-What are your personal health/wellness goals?
My main goal is to have more energy since I have low thyroid. Second is to lose weight.
(Candice and her husband have been on a journey together to get healthier..Love that!)
-What do you think is your best feature?
Other than my hips! :) My smile.
(We totally agree! Her smile is contagious and her hips can really move!)
-What would you say to someone feeling discouraged in their attempt to live a healthier lifestyle?
The best thing I was told when I first started was "the hardest thing isn't starting, it's going back". All you can do is take it one day at a time.