Friday, February 15, 2013

Pure & Natural Skin Care-The Favorites!

Pick up a skin care product from the drugstore or makeup counter and read the list of ingredients on the back. There's a good chance you dont know what half the list even is or what it's doing for your skin. Would you open up the bottle, squirt some into your mouth and swallow? Most likely not...So why are we putting products on our body that we dont want in our body?
I am a huge fan of good nutrition..for my body as well as my skin. I want to use things that I know are full of antioxidants, that will slow the aging process, and that aren't filling my body with toxic chemicals. You can use real foods, right on your skin..that will provide amazing skin care benefits and will save you tons of money!

Here are the two remedies that are my personal favorites:
Energizing Mint Toner- Boil 1 cup of water in a saucepan. Add 2 mint tea bags and turn off heat. Let sit for 10 minutes then take out the tea bags. Pour mixture into a clean bowl and add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. That's it! Use a cotton ball to wipe this over your face or you can put it in a small spray bottle and lightly mist over your skin after cleansing. The mint cools and relaxes the skin and apple cider vinegar helps normalize the PH balance of the skin.
Rejuvenating Strawberry Mask- Mix 2 or 3 mashed strawberries with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 Tablespoon of plain yogurt. Apply the mask in a thin layer on your skin, kick back and relax for about 15 minutes then rinse off with warm water. Strawberries are full of Vitamin C and also contain a gentle acid that that removes dead skin cells. Your are left with fresh, soft skin.
Feel free to give these a try or research natural, home made skin care for yourself! Remember healthy skin is beautiful skin!


  1. I just saw this blog! How AWESOME! Since you know so much about Skin Care what are your natural suggestions for scars? Thanks!

  2. Hi there,scars are tuff since it is such thick tissue..but you can find so many remedies for treating scars these days on line, I would suggest spending time looking up different ingredients and finding what works best for you. I do know that Vitamin E creme helps smooth skin so that wouldn't hurt to try applying maybe twice a day. Also lavender oil is known to help rejuvenate skin cells so try dabbing that on a few times a day..Hope that helps...happy researching!

  3. Thank you! I have search on line and found quite a few remedies but thought maybe you might have a special secret. I have been using certain creams and gels that my Plastic Surgeon recommended. They seem to be doing a good job - just thought something natural might be nice. Thanks again for your advice! <3
