Monday, February 18, 2013

Finding the Beautiful You

Do you believe that you already have a beautiful body inside? You wont ever be able to completely alter your frame and body type...maybe you're naturally curvy or maybe your tall and straight up and down. Everyone has something they are critical about when it comes to their body...most of the time that little voice in the back of our head is the biggest critic of all. You were intended to have the body you are in, and being it's best doesn't mean striving for something radically different then what you're working with. We can look and feel beautiful when we are finally able to work at our greatest potential, being rid of negative thoughts, and being kind to our bodies.
Very few people actually exercise regularly, and yet Americans spend a ridiculous amount of money on pills, weight loss shakes, trendy diet fads...that all may be quick "fixes" but are ultimately terrible for your health and can send you into an emotional cycle that leaves you with a bad relationship with your body. (Believe me I know..I've been there)
To be successful and to learn to appreciate and love your body for what it is and be thankful for what you are able to comes down to committing to be your best, planning ahead, and making it routine! Commit to putting in the effort to find your most beautiful, healthy self. At the start of your week, plan on the days that you will be going to classes or when you will carve out that 20 minutes at home to do a video. Put away the distractions (phone, computer, etc..) Clear the time, and stick to it! Lastly, make it routine by doing it consistently until it just becomes a part of your life. Maybe you team up with a buddy so your can keep each other accountable. Don't be afraid to reach out to trusted friends and ask for encouragement..maybe to be pushed a little. You are beautiful, you deserve to feel beautiful!

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