Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Light & Fresh Greek Wrap

It's starting to warm up! On days like this..when I just want to sit on the patio and enjoy the sunshine...there is nothing that sounds better then a clean, light and fresh wrap for lunch! Next time your feeling like a delicious and healthy wrap...give this a try! Yum!
Get yourself a sprouted or whole grain tortilla and spread your favorite hummus on top. Slice up cucumbers and bell peppers, chop up artichoke hearts (I used canned artichoke hearts..drain and pat dry) then place on top of the tortilla. Put a good amount of greens over the veggies, drizzle some olive oil or balsamic vinaigrette and top it all off with some light feta cheese! Quick, easy, and SO good! Enjoy with a little side salad or fresh fruit or you could even add a little grilled chicken for protein! Good to go!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Living Life Inspired!

Olivia Leschnik walks into the Studio and is a ray of sunshine! Get to know a little about her- and be Inspired!
What brought you to Inspired Fitness?
I’d been wanting to join the studio since I first met Jenna at Sprout’s where I was cashiering in Dec.2011 and was finally able to go the following January to Jenna’s Zumba class with the acclaimed Kiya when we decided we were going to feel better about ourselves

 What is your motivation to keep coming back to the classes?
I’m improving! I really love being as proud of myself and loving myself as much as I have been lately! I’m seeing changes that I like and I know that every day I come to class I’m a step closer to where I want to be.

What is your favorite class?
It’s hard to say because each class has it’s own beautiful gift to offer. But if I have to choose it would be Thursday night Yoga Sculpt. Jenna does such a great job at setting a calming atmosphere and after every class I feel as if my body is thanking me for the great stretch.    (Love that!)

What is a goal you have for the New Year?
I want to experience and enjoy more of what life has to offer than I did last year.

What do you think is your best feature?
“Thank you, mama, for my legs!”    (Girl’s got great legs!)

What would you say to someone feeling discouraged in their attempt to live a healthier lifestyle?
Love and forgive yourself. You should be so proud for making the decision to live a healthier lifestyle…I know you can do it!

 If you could do one thing and know you wouldn’t fail...what would you do?
Be a professional singer! Broadway, opera, mainstream, voice talent for a cartoon, anything like that.

 Tell us one Fun Fact about you!
Olivia means “olive tree” in French, and I have a birth mark on my knee that kind of looks like an olive tree  (That is fun!)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Inspired Fitness Ladies Lunch

Saturday, March 9th
Enjoy a yummy and healthy lunch catered by Luscious Lorraine and in the company of fabulous ladies from the Studio! You could even plan to take Zumba that morning at 10am and then stay for lunch right after! Get to know the ladies you stand next to in class and feel good about the delish food we will be enjoying!
If you are able to lunch with us- Please register with Jenna and have your $10 so we can reserve your spot, make sure we have food for you, and enter your name into the drawing for items being given away that day!
Dont miss this-It is always SO much fun when the ladies get together!

Finding the Beautiful You

Do you believe that you already have a beautiful body inside? You wont ever be able to completely alter your frame and body type...maybe you're naturally curvy or maybe your tall and straight up and down. Everyone has something they are critical about when it comes to their body...most of the time that little voice in the back of our head is the biggest critic of all. You were intended to have the body you are in, and being it's best doesn't mean striving for something radically different then what you're working with. We can look and feel beautiful when we are finally able to work at our greatest potential, being rid of negative thoughts, and being kind to our bodies.
Very few people actually exercise regularly, and yet Americans spend a ridiculous amount of money on pills, weight loss shakes, trendy diet fads...that all may be quick "fixes" but are ultimately terrible for your health and can send you into an emotional cycle that leaves you with a bad relationship with your body. (Believe me I know..I've been there)
To be successful and to learn to appreciate and love your body for what it is and be thankful for what you are able to comes down to committing to be your best, planning ahead, and making it routine! Commit to putting in the effort to find your most beautiful, healthy self. At the start of your week, plan on the days that you will be going to classes or when you will carve out that 20 minutes at home to do a video. Put away the distractions (phone, computer, etc..) Clear the time, and stick to it! Lastly, make it routine by doing it consistently until it just becomes a part of your life. Maybe you team up with a buddy so your can keep each other accountable. Don't be afraid to reach out to trusted friends and ask for encouragement..maybe to be pushed a little. You are beautiful, you deserve to feel beautiful!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Pure & Natural Skin Care-The Favorites!

Pick up a skin care product from the drugstore or makeup counter and read the list of ingredients on the back. There's a good chance you dont know what half the list even is or what it's doing for your skin. Would you open up the bottle, squirt some into your mouth and swallow? Most likely not...So why are we putting products on our body that we dont want in our body?
I am a huge fan of good nutrition..for my body as well as my skin. I want to use things that I know are full of antioxidants, that will slow the aging process, and that aren't filling my body with toxic chemicals. You can use real foods, right on your skin..that will provide amazing skin care benefits and will save you tons of money!

Here are the two remedies that are my personal favorites:
Energizing Mint Toner- Boil 1 cup of water in a saucepan. Add 2 mint tea bags and turn off heat. Let sit for 10 minutes then take out the tea bags. Pour mixture into a clean bowl and add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. That's it! Use a cotton ball to wipe this over your face or you can put it in a small spray bottle and lightly mist over your skin after cleansing. The mint cools and relaxes the skin and apple cider vinegar helps normalize the PH balance of the skin.
Rejuvenating Strawberry Mask- Mix 2 or 3 mashed strawberries with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 Tablespoon of plain yogurt. Apply the mask in a thin layer on your skin, kick back and relax for about 15 minutes then rinse off with warm water. Strawberries are full of Vitamin C and also contain a gentle acid that that removes dead skin cells. Your are left with fresh, soft skin.
Feel free to give these a try or research natural, home made skin care for yourself! Remember healthy skin is beautiful skin!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Valentines Day Couples Class!


 This Thursday is Valentine's Day! How about if this year, instead of eating a box of chocolates and went out to a full course heavy dinner, you took a fitness class with your special someone! Save the dinner date for the weekend or maybe even go for ice cream after class.
We will combine Arms&Abs and Yoga Sculpt for a great class for you two to do together! Get in touch with Jenna with any questions- Hope to see you for some Valentine's Day Fitness Fun!
Class Begins at 6pm

Top 5 Most Important Skin Care Products

I know when you wake up in the morning...most of the time craziness of life begins right when you open your eyes! Maybe most nights you are so exhausted you just want to splash some water on your face and call it a day. I want to encourage you to take the extra few minutes in the morning/evening to show your skin some love! Your skin care regimen today will make all the difference in what you look like 10..20 years from now. Remind yourself that you are worth the effort and make the investment in good quality products with as pure ingredients as possible. Here are the 5 most effective skin care products that you want to include in your daily skin care routine.
Cleansers: Remove dirt, oil, makeup from your skin with the use of either a gel or cream cleanser. Gel cleansers are typically better for more oily skin, made to purify and refresh. Cream cleansers are great for more dry skin since they usually contain oils that moisturize and hydrate the skin. Of course you can also find cleansers for "normal" skin, or that are suitable for all skin types.
Toners: Maybe my most favorite product! It feels so cool and refreshing as you mist it on to your face! I have oily skin so it really helps to absorb any excess oil on the surface of my skin. These products can be a bit drying so it's not necessary for you to use a toner. You may see the word astringent which is suitable for very oily skin. Toners and tonics are great for normal/combination skin.
Exfoliators: When using a cream or gel scrub, which has tiny little abrasive particles, massage onto damp skin and clear away dead surface cells...revealing fresh, young new cells. Exfoliating is one of the best things you can do (that usually isn't done often enough) to prevent blemishes and fine lines. Use a gentle scrub can be used as often as needed, usually every other day or every couple of days. Getting a facial with a licensed professional Esthetician can give you a deeper exfoliation, maybe even a peel, which should be done every couple of months.
Eye Cream: You may have already noticed, the delicate skin around your eyes is usually the first to show signs of aging. Don't waste your money on cheap eye creams...they are most likely doing nothing at all. You don't want to mess around with that very thin skin under your eyes, invest in a good quality cream or gel that will plump the fine lines and reduce puffiness.
Moisturizers: The main purpose of a moisturizer is to build a barrier on the skin to prevent moisture loss. This makes your skin feel smoother and softer. Even if you have oily skin..ALL skin types need a moisturizer! If you have really dry skin you would need a thicker moisturizer, and more oily skin can go with an oil free moisturizer. For day time moisturizers, apply before makeup and make sure it contains UV protection. For night time apply liberally and allow it to really nourish and pamper your skin as you sleep.

Ta Da!! On your way to smooth, healthy, protected just need to commit to caring for your skin, your Face! I know it can be overwhelming since there are thousands of different products to pick from. Don't waste your money on cheap products. And don't be fooled by skin care labeled "natural", "organic", etc. The FDA does not regulate cosmetics so products can contain just a small percentage of effective ingredients but can be marketed to promise everything you are looking for!  Try to stay away from ingredients like Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, sodium lauryl sulfate. Beautiful skin is healthy skin! Your best bet to finding pure, good quality skin care may actually be to check out your local health food store (Clark's has a great variety). Good luck! No one else will take care of your's like working out, put in the effort and make smart choices- see the benefits!