Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Healthy Skin is Beautiful Skin!

Inspired Fitness Studio is now offering Facials! It has been a long time coming, but we now have a set up in the back of the studio to take care of your skin care needs. Inspired Fitness owner, Jenna Fisher is not only passionate about fitness- as a CA licensed Esthetician she is also passionate about healthy skin care!

Each facial includes: a cleanse, warm steam, deep exfoliation, extractions, a facial massage, hand and arm massage, purifying or hydrating mask, and moisturizer.
You get all this for only $65
At Inspired Fitness we value the health of our bodies, now it's time to value the health of your skin...because healthy skin is beautiful skin!

Get in touch with Jenna to schedule your appointment today!
Skin Care and Wellness Workshops coming soon!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Workout in the Park

Doing the classes at Inspired Fitness with all my favorite ladies is by far my most favorite way to get in a workout. But sometimes I do enjoy getting outside, soaking up the sunshine and changing it up a little. I met up with my sister Claire to take her though our Park Workout.

 Sunday afternoon and nothing to do? Taking the kids to the park and want to get in something for you to? Now you can follow along with our routine to help you get ideas of how to use regular park equipment to get in an effective workout!
-Start with a jog to warm up. Try for at least a lap around the whole park.
-We started with calf raises to stretch and get the legs working. Stand on the curb and let your heels hang off the back for more range of motion as you lift your heels up and then lower down.
-Still working legs, find a bench (we used the skate park) Place on foot up and step the other out as you lower your hips down to a squat. Go for 20 on one side then switch and do the other.

More Cardio- Take the heart rate back up by standing next to a curb, feet a little wider then hip width a part. Bend the knees and jump up to the curb, then jump back down. Maybe stop and do this between every couple of exercises.

 Bench Dips- Sit on a bench or the bottom of the slide. Place your hands next to your sides as you lift and move your hips forward. Just bending at the elbows, lower your hips down and then back up. Should feel your triceps working. Go for 3 sets of 12
Pop up and hold yourself in a plank position. You can be on the ground or you can elevate your feet to make your push ups a little more intense. Go for 10 pushups, then hold your plank again for another 10 seconds.
Last one for arms- monkey bar pull ups. We didn't have a monkey bar to use, so we went with this tire on the playground. Get a nice grip, walk your feet in, again standing hip width a part. Lean back, then pull your chest forward toward the bar and back again. 3 sets of 12
Abs! V-Sit ups, Find a nice spot on the grass and lay on your back with your legs extended forward and arms back. Raise your arms and legs as you fold up in a "V" and then lower back down- Stop just before touching the grass.
Finish up your core work with leg lifts and hanging sit ups. (Careful getting down from your hanging sit ups! This bar was pretty high off the ground)
Make sure you save time to stretch after your workout! Give the park workout a go and let me know how you do! Stay updated on all the outdoors activities with Inspired Fitness! Hikes and park workouts happening at least once a month!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Meet the Inspiring Miss Judy Such!

To start the year we're looking to our friend Judy for
some inspiration!
 *What brought you to Inspired Fitness?
My friend and co-worker Marion raving about how great the classes were and the results she was achieving.
*What is your motivation to keep coming back to the classes?
The results I see with inches lost, toned muscles and more energy
*What is your favorite class?
Body Blast and Yoga
*What is a goal you have for the New Year?
To stay healthy and to travel as much as possible
*What do you think is your best feature?
My hair!
*What would you say to someone feeling discouraged in their attempt to live a healthier lifestyle?
Give yourself time and be consistent so you can see results from workouts and better diet.
*If you could do one thing and know you wouldn’t fail...what would you do?
I would not attempt anything that has certain success. The fun is in the journey and the challenge
*Tell us a Fun Fact about you…
I have owned and have ridden my own Harley motorcycle; have been part of the crew of an endurance race boat team; took airplane flying lessons; completed the ASA basic sailing course and sailed to Catalina Island and back!
(She’s our kinda lady!!)

Nothing Like a Warm Cookie on a Cold Winter Day!

I don't know about you, but the thought of a warm oatmeal cookie with chocolate chunks melting in your mouth with each bite...sounds like the perfect treat for one of these super cold winter nights we've had lately! However, it is January and I know most of us have resolved to make healthier choices and to take better care of our bodies, SO...here is my recipe that wont disappoint on taste but also provides heart healthy and slimming fiber, antioxidants, cholesterol lowering healthy fats and some protein! This is a cookie you can indulge in as well as share with your family and feel good about it! 
(Go ahead and hug me now)
You can add just about anything to a basic oatmeal cookie, again...make smart choices! You dont want a healthy basic oatmeal cookie and then go and add butterfinger..M&Ms..etc. Instead think walnuts, raisins, chopped apples...For my cookies today, I am using unsweetened shaved coconut and 85% dark chocolate. When you use chocolate, remember higher the percentage the better! Less sugar and higher antioxidant content.
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/2 cups of Rolled Oats
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 Tbsp Cinnamon
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup canola oil  (heart healthy)
1 egg plus one egg white (beat with 1 Tbsp Water)
1 tsp Vanilla
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut
1/3 cup chopped dark chocolate

In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients together.
In a medium bowl, mix all the wet ingredients together. Tip: When measuring out the honey, measure the oil first then use the same cup for the honey. Your honey won't stick to the cup. Or spray the measuring cup with cooking oil spray if you're not using oil.
Mix the wet ingredients with the dry. Add the coconut and chocolate and mix. If the mixture seems too wet, add a bit of flour.
    Preheat the oven to 335 degrees
Spray baking sheet with non stick cooking spray and drop cookies onto sheet. Lightly press down with a fork for even cooking.
    Bake for about 15 - 18 minutes or until golden on the bottom of the cookie. Yum!