Sunday, July 15, 2012

Summer Inspiration!

Nettie Brown
Keeping us Motivated & Inspired!

What is your motivation to keep coming back to the classes?
     The accountability, Incredible workouts and the Amazing ladies!!! I love my Inspired Fitness Family!

What is your favorite class?
     I love Zumba!!  But body sculpt and Turbokick are the most challenging for me.

What are your personal health/wellness goals?
     To be the healthiest I can be physically, mentally and spiritually and to be an encouragement to others. :0)

What do you think is your best feature?
     My "goofball" personality. I love to have fun and encourage others.

What would you say to someone feeling discouraged in their attempt to live a healthier lifestyle?
     Gosh.....I've been that person! Find a workout that you love....set your mind to it...challenge yourself and Never Give up!  Inspired Fitness has truly changed my life! I am forever grateful.

We Love You Nettie!!!

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