Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jenna's Energy Boosting Protein Shake!

I have this smoothie almost every day! It is so cold and refreshing..perfect on a hot summer day, and packed in protein and nutrition! Try it for breakfast or as a pre-workout energizer! Here is the recipe:
-8 oz unsweetened almond milk
-1/2 a banana
-1 Tbsp almond butter
-1 scoop of your favorite vanilla protein powder(low in sugar!)
-1/2 cup unsweetened frozen mixed berries
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-dash of cinnamon, optional
-ice cubes
Put it all into your blender and mix well until smooth. Pour into a tall glass and top with a little natural low fat granola for some crunch and healthy carbs to keep your body fueled! Pop in a straw and enjoy. SO good, it's my fav!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Favorite Things!

My Favorite Workout Buddy!
     * The stability ball*
If you have been to Body Sculpt at the studio, there is a good chance that you have used one of these in your workouts! There is SO much you can do with this piece of workout equipment! Next time you are in class...don't hesitate to ask if we can do your favorite exercises with a  stability ball! If you have one at home, here are a few exercises you can try out..otherwise we will be doing these in the studio very soon!

Arms- Roll yourself on top of the ball so you end up in a push up position. The more you walk your hands out the harder you will work! You are also using your core to keep you balanced on the ball. Now bend at your elbows and do push-ups, as many as you can!
Legs- Place the ball between the wall and right above your waist. Walk your feet out so when you bend your knees they don't go past your feet, and keep the feet a little wider the hip width apart. Now roll your hips down to a squat, and come back up. 3 sets of 10!
Abs- Lay down on your back and grab hold of the ball by wrapping your legs around it. Keeping your knees bent, lift the ball up so you crunch your lower abdominal, maybe even lifting your hips up off the floor if you can. 3 sets of 15!
Stretch- Lay your back down on to the ball, drop your arms down to the sides and extend your legs out to your front. Relax here for a while, it should feel really good!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Summer Inspiration!

Nettie Brown
Keeping us Motivated & Inspired!

What is your motivation to keep coming back to the classes?
     The accountability, Incredible workouts and the Amazing ladies!!! I love my Inspired Fitness Family!

What is your favorite class?
     I love Zumba!!  But body sculpt and Turbokick are the most challenging for me.

What are your personal health/wellness goals?
     To be the healthiest I can be physically, mentally and spiritually and to be an encouragement to others. :0)

What do you think is your best feature?
     My "goofball" personality. I love to have fun and encourage others.

What would you say to someone feeling discouraged in their attempt to live a healthier lifestyle?
     Gosh.....I've been that person! Find a workout that you love....set your mind to it...challenge yourself and Never Give up!  Inspired Fitness has truly changed my life! I am forever grateful.

We Love You Nettie!!!